Patent number: 9073062

Vane electrostatic precipitator


  • Dunn; John P.

Field of technology: Industrial Machinery and Processes

Patent granted on: Tue, 07 Jul 2015

Patent drawing


Methods using vane electrostatic precipitators collect charged and uncharged particles with vane assemblies that are physically arranged to reduce the air flow rate to at or below 1.0 ft/sec (0.305 m/sec). In preferred embodiments, the main entrained air is divided into smaller proportions by using a plurality of vane assemblies in a vane electrostatic precipitator operating at a specific angle that have discharge electrodes in front of the vanes. This results in both the particles being charged and the flow rate of the air and articles being reduced as they traverse between vanes and over the vane surface. The vane width, operating angle, vane length and vane offset are designed to reduce the air flow rate. As a result, at the ends of the vanes, a high percentage of the air flow is less than 1 ft/s. This allows the particles that are discharged from the vanes during operation to fall by gravity and in the direction of lower air flow, resulting in extremely low re-entrainment and efficient particle collection.