Patent number: 10400416

Autonomous anchoring method and system for foundations of offshore structures


Field of technology: Industrial Machinery and Processes

Patent granted on: Tue, 03 Sep 2019

Patent drawing


A method for the autonomous anchoring of foundations for offshore structures consisting of a self-floating concrete caisson manufactured in a floating dock, capable of being towed to their final location, provided with internal vertical cells, which are divided into cells that are interconnected with each other and equipped with emptying and filling devices that allow the regulation of the ballast level for anchoring when they are filled with seawater. This method comprises the following stages: constraining the foundation, fastening and mooring by at least three tugboats pulling radially on the foundation to be anchored from at least 3 different directions; connecting the different sensors needed for controlling the operation with a control unit; gradual and controlled sinking of the foundation until it reaches its position of installation on the seabed; and final ballasting of the foundation.