Patent number: 10637788

Stability of delay-based congestion control in a computer network using an alpha-beta filter and round-trip-time predictor

Original Assignee: International Business Machines Corporation

Field of technology: Computer Hardware, Computer Software

Patent granted on: Tue, 28 Apr 2020

Patent drawing


A stable transfer over a network between a sender computer and a receiver computer is achieved by minimizing the feedback delay in the input signals because studies show that global stability is valid under the assumption of zero feedback delay. Future congestion in the network from the current delay measurement can be predicted and the processed signal fed back into the rate controller (RC) to achieve near-zero feedback delay condition. By optimizing data transfer between a sender computer and a device or receiver computer across a packet-switched network at a data rate, stability of the network and overall performance of the network is improved, and persistent queueing delay minimized.