Patent number: 9238230

Vane electrostatic precipitator


  • Dunn; John P.

Field of technology: Vehicles, Engines and Transportation

Patent granted on: Tue, 19 Jan 2016

Patent drawing


The embodiments described herein improve on the present electrostatic precipitator method of using parallel plates to collect particulates by using multiple parallel vanes set at operating parameters described below. By using vanes, the main entrained air is subdivided and directed to flow between vanes that induce resistance to flow allowing charged particles to collect on the vanes. The width of the vane is designed to be wide enough so the air flow rate at the ends of the vanes is less than 1 ft/s, allowing particles discharged from the plates to fall by gravity and in the direction of very low air flow, resulting in extremely low re-entrainment and efficient particle collection. Using vanes also allows for higher operating air velocities resulting in a smaller equipment foot print.